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About the Wellsboro Teen Center


In the Spring of 1998 the WTC was founded by Herb Ley out of a burden for youth with the understanding many come from difficult home situations and need not only a safe, structured place they can come to, but also one where God’s love would be extended to them by a caring staff.  Active in church youth ministry Herb's vision also set out to create environments that would foster Spiritual growth as well as Christian fellowship among churched teens.


Spring of 1999 Carl Linscott comes to Wellsboro to pastor a local church. Herb and Carl start working together in the ministry with Carl acting as program director.


Summer of 1999 Bob Morris another local pastor joins the WTC working with youth in areas of music as well as coordinating the Christian Youth Council (CYC) worship team. Bob also joined the Board of Directors.


1999 saw the following activities begin: See you at the pole Rally at Packer Park, Religious release starts in 3 high schools, The Wave youth group (at risk youth), CYC youth service (for Christian youth groups). WTC calls the 2nd floor of the Pearl Street Shops Home and remodels the 40 X 50 floor space.


2000 Additional activities included first missions trip to Homeless of NYC, Community Service Program (through the Probation department), First summer music festival at Packer Park.


2001 Wellsboro Teen Center becomes official 501c3 corporation.


2002 WTC goes to Mexico to minister to orphans, Board of directors starts looking at locations closer to schools.


2003 The WTC starts bible clubs in two schools.


2004 WTC gains ownership of Brewery lane property, holds high school Drug and Alcohol assemble using the CYC worship band with over 600 in attendance at the Wellsboro High School.  Board of directors starts looking at locations closer to schools.


2006 WTC holds middle school Drug and Alcohol assemble using the CYC worship band with over 400 in attendance.


2004 – 2008 student and adult volunteers start major renovations of the new Brewery lane property.


2008 WTC moves into renovated building, starts After School Program (ASP) for 5th and 6th Grade on Tuesdays, Local Church uses building for Jr. Church classes on Sunday mornings, other church groups use facility when student activities are not scheduled. Student counseling continues in new building.


2009 First He Brews Coffee house is held, Home school organization starts using facility, Girls out club starts, Truth Seekers Club begins.


2010 After School program expands to 5th and 6th grade on Tuesdays and 7th and 8th grade on Thursday.




The Wellsboro Teen Center (WTC) is a Christ centered facility with the purpose of encouraging students and young adults in the development and use of biblical values with in their life, to have a personal relationship with God through His Son and as a result become responsible Christian role models with in their homes, schools, and communities demonstrating leadership, compassion, love and service for others.




The Wellsboro Teen Center operates by the Grace of God’s people giving not only of their time but also of their finances. Funds are provided by individuals, families and local churchs.


Contact Keith Tombs at (phone and email) if you wish to make a tax deductable financial gift